candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

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Acting head of the department of MMZI NN FTI, associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Савчук Михайло Миколайович

Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

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professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI, first deputy head of the department

Завадська Людмила Олексіївна

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher


associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI, scientific secretary of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Галицька Ірина Євгенівна

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

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associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Ніщенко Ірина Іванівна

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor


associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Хмельницький Микола Олексійович

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor


associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Шумська Алла Антонівна

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor

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associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Цвинтарна Наталія Дмитрівна

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor


associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Южакова Ганна Олексіївна

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor


associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Кузнєцов Ігор Миколайович

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

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senior teacher of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Фесенко Андрій В'ячеславович

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

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senior teacher of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Деркач Олександр Григорович

assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Єндовицький Павло Олександрович

assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Селюх Поліна Валентинівна
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assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Пекарчук Ніна Андріївна

assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Оксьоненко Максим Петрович

assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Чорний Олег Миколайович

assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Грубіян Євген Олександрович

assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Ядуха Дарія Вікторівна

assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Курінний Олег Вікторович

assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Столович Михайло Вадимович

assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Якимчук Олексій Петрович

assistant of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Кузнєцов Микола Юрійович

Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Ковальчук Людмила Василівна

doctor of technical sciences, professor

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professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Кудін Антон Михайлович

doctor of technical sciences, professor

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professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Олексійчук Антон Миколайович

doctor of technical sciences, professor

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professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Кучинська Наталія Вікторівна

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

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associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Кубайчук Оксана Олексіївна

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor

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associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Рябов Георгій Валентинович

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

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senior teacher of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Циганкова Оксана Валентинівна

candidate of technical sciences

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senior teacher of the department of MMZI NN FTI, methodologist

Вовк Лілія Борисівна

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences


senior teacher of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Богачова Лариса Анатоліївна

specialist of the first category