Serhii Volodymyrovych Yakovlev

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

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Acting head of the department of MMZI NN FTI, associate professor of the department of MMZI NN FTI

Teaches disciplines:
  • Discrete Math. Part 1
  • Discrete Math. Part 2
  • Combinatorial analysis. Part 1
  • Combinatorial analysis. Part 2
  • Symmetric cryptography
  • Organizational aspects of cryptography
  • Special sections of combinatorial analysis
  • Basics of algorithm analysis
  • ARX cryptosystems and their cryptanalysis
  • Models and methods of cryptanalysis of block ciphers
Directions of scientific research:
  • Cryptoanalysis of block ciphers and hash functions
  • Differential, linear, integral cryptanalysis and their generalization
  • Cryptographic properties of Boolean functions and S-blocks
  • ARX-cryptosystems and methods of their analysis
  • Side-channel data leakage attacks, failure attacks
Latest publications:
  1. S. Yakovliev, V. Bakhtigozin. Asymptotic Distributions for S-Box Heterogeneous Differential Probabilities // Theoretical and Applied Cybersecurity. - no. 1. - vol. 1. - 2019. - pp. 37-41.
  2. Alekseychuk A.N., Kovalchuk L.V., Shevtsov A.S., Yakovlev S.V. About the cryptographic properties of the new national encryption standard of Ukraine // Cybernetics and system analysis. – 2016. – Volume 52, No. 3. - P. 16-31. [Scope]
Recent conferences:
  1. Oksyonenko M. Methods of detecting hidden Feistel-like transformations / M. Oksyonenko, S. Yakovlev. // XII Scientific and practical conference "Priority areas of development of telecommunication systems and special purpose networks. The use of units, complexes, means of communication and automation in the operation of the United Forces" (November 14-15, 2019): Reports and abstracts of reports. – Kyiv: VITI, 2019. – p. 170.
  2. O. Yakymchuk. Parameters characterizing the stability of S-blocks to the analysis of truncated differentials / O. Yakymchuk, S. Yakovlev. // Theoretical and applied problems of physics, mathematics and informatics: materials of the XVIII All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists (May 12-13, 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine). – Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, Polytechnic Publishing House, 2020. - p. 255-257.
  3. O. Kurinnyi. Study of the complexity of problems with systems of linear constraints over a finite field / O. Kurinnyi, S. Yakovlev. // "INTERNET-EDUCATION-SCIENCE-2020", XII International Scientific and Practical Conference ION 2020, May 26-29, 2020: Proceedings. – Vinnytsia: VNTU, 2020. – p. 135-137.
  4. M. Oksyonenko. Matrix of indicators of the largest powers for Feistel-like transformations / M. Oksyonenko, S. Yakovlev. // "INTERNET-EDUCATION-SCIENCE-2020", XII International Scientific and Practical Conference ION 2020, May 26-29, 2020: Proceedings. – Vinnytsia: VNTU, 2020. – p. 141-142.
  5. O. Yakymchuk. The parameter that characterizes the stability of S-blocks to the analysis of truncated differentials / O. Yakymchuk, S. Yakovlev. // "INTERNET-EDUCATION-SCIENCE-2020", XII International Scientific and Practical Conference ION-2020, May 26-29, 2020: Proceedings. – Vinnytsia: VNTU, 2020. – p. 129-131.
  6. Serhii Yakovliev. Provable Security Of Block Ciphers Against Generalized Linear Cryptanalysis // International Conference “Modern Stochastics: Theory And Applications V” (Kyiv, Ukraine; June 1-4, 2021). - pp. 40-41.
  7. Serhii Yakovliev. On the Security of Iterated Block Ciphers with Dependent Round Keys Against Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis // CECC 2021 21st Central European Conference on Cryptology (Debrecen (Hungary), June 21-25, 2021). - pp. 15-17.
  8. M.O. Dubovik, S.V. Yakovlev. Cryptographic stability criteria of round key generation schemes // Materials of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Shevchenko Spring - 2022" (April 14, 2022, Kyiv). - p. 37-38.
  9. O. Yu. Parshin, S.V. Yakovlev. Regarding the existence of orthomorphisms over groups used in cryptographic problems // Proceedings of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Shevchenko Spring - 2022" (April 14, 2022, Kyiv). - p. 44-45.
  10. N.M. Vlasenko, S.V. Yakovlev. Algebraic properties of coefficients of boomerang connectivity with respect to addition by modulo. // Theoretical and applied problems of physics, mathematics and informatics: materials of the XX All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists (June 15, 2022, Kyiv, Ukraine). – Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, Polytechnic Publishing House, 2022. - p. 216-218.
  11. S.V. Yakovlev, M.V. Stolovych Differential cryptanalysis of the modified Qalqan cipher. // Theoretical and applied problems of physics, mathematics and informatics: materials of the XX All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists (June 15, 2022, Kyiv, Ukraine). – Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, Polytechnic Publishing House, 2022– p. 253-256.
  12. Olexii Yakymchuk, Serhii Yakovliev. On a Formalized Approach to Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers. // 22nd Central European Conference on Cryptography – CECC 2022 (June 26-29, 2022, Smolenice, Slovakia).
Responsible executor of the People's Republic of China:
  • cipher "Mokrel" (State registration No. 0115U004118, 2016)
  • code "Cobia" (State registration No. 0116U006384, 2017)
  • cipher "Argus" (State registration No. 0117U001817, 2018)
  • cipher "Koryfena" (State register No. 0118U001653, 2018)
  • cipher "Dorado" (State registration No. 0119U102099, 2019)
  • cipher "Sargan" (State registration No. 0220U104088, 2020)