Яковлєв Сергій Володимирович, завідувач кафедри ММЗІ (з 2021)

Serhii Volodymyrovych Yakovlev

Acting Head of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Information Protection of the Educational-Scientific Physical-Technical Institute of KPI named after Ihor Sikorsky - YAKOVLEV SERHIY VOLODYMYROVYCH, candidate of technical sciences, laureate of the President's Prize for young scientists.

Graduated from the Physical and Technical Institute of NTUU "KPI" majoring in "Security of Information and Telecommunication Systems", qualification - computer systems analyst. Subsequently, he defended his candidate's thesis on the topic "Analytical evaluations of the stability of non-Markov block ciphers to differential cryptanalysis" (specialty 05.13.21 - information protection systems).

He has been working at the Physical and Technical Institute since graduation. During this time, he developed and constantly updates the courses "Discrete mathematics", "Fundamentals of algorithm analysis", "Special sections of combinatorial analysis", "Models and methods of cryptanalysis of block ciphers", "ARX cryptosystems and their cryptanalysis", "Public key infrastructures". He is also directly involved in the filling of practices and computer workshops of such courses as "Combinatorial Analysis", "Symmetric Cryptography", "Asymmetric Cryptosystems and Protocols".

Actively engaged in scientific activities. Took part in 34 scientific projects, of which he was the responsible executor of nine. He is constantly acting as a scientific supervisor of bachelor's theses and master's theses.

He is actively involved in educational and methodological work, is the guarantor of the educational program "Mathematical methods of cryptographic protection of information" of the first (bachelor's) level and a member of the educational and methodological commission of the university in the specialty 113 Applied mathematics.

Савчук Михайло Миколайович, завідувач кафедри ММЗІ (2000-2021)

Mykhailo Mykolayovych Savchuk

Until September 2021, he was the head of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Information Protection SAVCHUK MYKHAILO MYKOLAYOVYCH, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.

Member of the specialized academic council at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", member of the specialized academic council at the Institute of Cybernetics named after V.M. Hlushkova of the National Academy of Sciences, a member of the editorial board of specialized scientific journals: "Legal, regulatory and metrological support of the information protection system in Ukraine", "Radioelectronics", "Theoretical and Applied Cybersecurity".

Graduated from Kyiv State University named after T.G. Shevchenko, majoring in "Mathematics", qualification — mathematician, specializing in "probability theory and mathematical statistics".

During the period of work at the Institute of Physics and Technology, Mykhailo Mykolayovych Savchuk developed lecture courses, practical classes and computer workshops in the following disciplines: "Combinatorial analysis", "Mathematical methods of information protection", "Symmetric cryptography", "Asymmetric cryptographic systems and protocols" , "Cryptanalysis methods", "Basics of cryptology and its applications", "Special sections of cryptology", "Random processes".

Under the leadership of Savchuk M.M. three candidates of science defended their degrees.

Mykhailo Mykolayovych has more than 70 published scientific works, including: 3 monographs, 3 copyright certificates for inventions, 5 educational and methodological manuals. For 44 years of scientific research, he has completed more than 110 scientific reports in the areas of probabilistic combinatorics, development of mathematical apparatus of cryptography and cryptanalysis, research of current and prospective systems of cryptographic protection of information technologies. About 70 reports of them were made on special topics in the field of information security, and in 25 scientific research works, Savchuk M.M. was a performer and scientific supervisor. Scientific research works were carried out according to the plans and orders of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Ministry of the Interior of Ukraine, the orders of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company LLC.

Savchuk M.M. is actively engaged in educational and methodological work, is the guarantor of the educational program "Mathematical methods of cryptographic protection of information" of the second (master's) level and the head of the educational and methodological commission of the university for the specialty 113 Applied mathematics; manages bachelor's and master's theses, is a member of commissions for state exams, commissions for defense of bachelor's and master's theses.